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China Water Affairs Group held its performance conference in Mainland China for the first time

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-04 閱讀量:
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > News > Goldtact News >

On December 1, China Water Affairs Group (855.HK) held an interim performance conference at Shenzhen Rongchao Economic and Trade Center. This is the first time the group held a performance conference in the Mainland.

At the meeting, the management of the company expressed sincere gratitude to investors and analysts for their concern, understanding and support to China Water, and answered questions about the financial performance, operating conditions and deployment strategy of the company in detail.

As one of the largest cross-regional professional water supply operators listed in Hong Kong, China Water has achieved strong growth in recent years. In the past five years, the company's annual revenue growth rate has exceeded 20%, and its core business, urban water supply and sewage treatment revenue, has also maintained rapid and steady growth.

In recent years, the company has continuously expanded its business through acquisition and working with local government, formed a win-win and long-term cooperative relationship with the representative office of local state-owned shareholders.

The water industry is currently in the golden age of development. As a large-scale and market-oriented professional organization of investment and operation in the water market, China Water Affairs Group is worthy of expectation in the future.

  • 上一篇:沒有了
  • 下一篇:China Water Group 2017-2018 Financial Year Performance Conference held in Shenzhen
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